Sick, But Not Really

One of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems growing up was Sick, where Peggy Ann McKay lists all of the ailments she has as an excuse to get out of school, but when she finds out it’s a Saturday, she’s miraculously cured. I had a Peggy Ann moment this morning. So with apologies to Mr. Silverstein:

“I cannot go to work today,”
Little Katie Anne did say.
“I have a new, quite rare disease.
Nah, it’s common, you shall see.
I have a puppers and a cat,
Resting on me while I’m flat.
On the sofa, snuggled up,
I cannot move the cat or pup.
Warm and peaceful on the couch.
(And if I move, the claws come. Ouch!)
So I cannot go to work today…
Wait, what’s that? What’s that you say?
You say today is…any day?
It matters not. I’m here to stay!”